Dirk NCancer risk when you have 2 risk factorsWe want to estimate the risk (and uncertainty) of prostate cancer for men that have 2 risk factors (smoking and relative). One in eight men…Sep 13Sep 13
Dirk NEvolution Strategies in 3 lines of Python codeThe 2017 Salimans paper uses the Evolution Strategies (ES) algorithm for Reinforcement Learning. It is a form of gradient free learning and…Jul 22Jul 22
Dirk NWhy political statements sound bland and uninformativeLet’s build a simple model of political views. Political positions are expressed in a 2 dimensional grid, where x and y axis stand for…Mar 18Mar 18
Dirk NSapolsky Determined reviewI am a big fan of Sapolsky and am currently working my way through his 25 lecture bio course on Youtube. I also read his Behave book which…Feb 29Feb 29
Dirk NKruse on creativityGerman transcript: https://gist.github.com/wolfhesse/c935bba4ae25667f51e7Jan 15Jan 15
Dirk NReasoning about 3 variablesI saw some research where I saw that in some German states education attainment was high and some variable A (masked here) was also high. I…Dec 21, 2023Dec 21, 2023
Dirk NExploring the Value of External PerspectivesWhile contemporary self-help literature and podcasts often emphasize the significance of introspection and self-understanding, a more…Dec 6, 2023Dec 6, 2023
Dirk NThis revolutionary and proven technique helps you to really get work doneWrite things down with a pen on paper and do them. It was invented some centuries ago and still works. Unfortunately this wise technique…Dec 5, 2023Dec 5, 2023
Dirk NDynamic prediction of a signal given sensors with variable certaintyWe have sensors X_t and environment E_t, we want to predict target Y_t at time t. In real time we cannot observe Y.Nov 28, 2023Nov 28, 2023
Dirk NFeeling stupid can make you cleverWhen we don’t understand something, this causes pain — the pain of feeling stupid. The higher our self judgement the more we feel the pain…Sep 8, 2023Sep 8, 2023